Become a TOPRA Fellow

Fellowship is TOPRA’s highest grade of membership and is a mark of excellence and recognition of your distinguished contribution to regulatory affairs.

TOPRA Members with at least 10 years’ experience in regulatory affairs and who have made a significant contribution to the profession can apply to become Fellows.


1. Recognition and status
TOPRA Fellowship is a prestigious honour that acknowledges your significant contribution to the regulatory profession. It demonstrates your dedication and expertise, and will be admired by your peers and colleagues. TOPRA Fellows can use the post-nominals FTOPRA and an accompanying digital badge to share their status.

2. Career advancement
As a TOPRA Fellow, your career plans will gain a competitive edge. Your Fellow status will open doors to new opportunities, enhance your professional reputation, and help you to achieve new career heights. 

3. Credibility and influence
By boosting your credibility, TOPRA Fellow status will instil confidence in clients and employers. It can also help you win new business and contracts by extending your professional reputation.

4. Supporting the next generation
As a TOPRA Fellow, your status will help inspire emerging talent and help new professionals to achieve success through your guidance. Your support will amplify your influence and impact on the future of the profession.

5. Exclusive networking events
TOPRA Fellows enjoy exclusive social and networking events where you can connect with a diverse group of peers. These opportunities allow you to share insights, expand your professional network, and stay at the forefront of industry trends.


1. Evidence of significant contribution to the profession
2. 10 years regulatory affairs experience
3. Two sponsor statements

To discover who our current Fellows are, please see our list (member-only access). Alternatively, please email TOPRA’s Membership team for more information. 


To apply, please download and complete the application form below:

  • TOPRA Fellow Application (PDF)
  • TOPRA Fellow Application (Word)
  • TOPRA Applicants Guidance Notes

  • This example gives an indication of the type of information you need to include in your evidence of contribution to the profession:


    Activity / contribution to the profession How often and over what time period was the activity performed?  How did this activity make an impact on the profession?  Demonstrate how this was outside your expected job role 
    Lecturing on TOPRA MSC Module  For the last 5 years  Training of about 40 regulatory professionals to help them achieve a qualification and / or give skills and up to date knowledge in an emerging area of regulation  Lectures prepared in my own time and work for TOPRA as a volunteer 

    For more information about this process, contact

    Sponsors should provide a statement that indicates their support for the information provided on the applicant’s influence and contributions to the regulatory affairs profession. They are also encouraged to provide additional examples or further information in support of applications, and we recommend that they review the candidate’s application thoroughly before signing.

    You can apply at any time of the year and your application will be put forward to the Fellowship Appointment Panel. All approved applications are put forward to the Board, who meet quarterly.



    We currently do not charge any administration fees for Fellowship. All Fellows must renew their membership each year as per registered members/members.

    The Fellowship Appointment Panel reviews all applications and puts forward the candidates it recommends for Fellowship to TOPRA’s Board for ratification.

    Those accepted for Fellowship have all the benefits of membership, including voting rights, and are also entitled to use the post-nominal designation FTOPRA.