WINNER – CAPTIS team, Celegence, UK, USA, the Netherlands, Romania and India
FINALIST - Dossplorer team, Celegence, USA and the Netherlands
FINALIST - Global Regulatory Intelligence (GRI) Freyr Solutions, India
FINALIST - Roche, UK, Switzerland and USA
WINNER – NHS COVID-19 App Regulatory Team, UK
FINALIST - Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO), US
FINALIST - DEEP-EFPIA collaboration, Finland/Belgium
FINALIST - Sanofi Regulatory Reliance CMC PAC Pilot Team, Canada
WINNER – Global Digital Assurance Team, AstraZeneca, USA 
FINALIST - Mark Bailey, Associate Director of Regulatory Operations, Syneos Health, Australia
FINALIST - Leslie Kitchen, Senior Director, Innovation & Information Management, Merck & Co, on behalf of the RTQ Biographer Team, USA
WINNER – VCLS In Silico Team, Voisin Consulting Life Sciences, France
FINALIST - First fully decentralized trial in Oncology, F.Hoffmann La Roche, Switzerland
FINALIST - The eConsent Implementation Guide - a EUCROF & eClinical Forum member collaboration, co-chaired by Medidata and Signant Health
WINNER - Regulatory Process Automation Factory, F Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland
FINALIST - Association of Clinical Research Organisations (ACRO) and the Decentralised Clinical Trials Working Party, UK
FINALIST - COVID-19 antiviral expedited clinical trial start-up, Regulatory Affairs Team, including Lisa Huang, Pedro Inacio, Michael Park and Christina Cocciardo, PPD, Taiwan, Portugal, Korea and USA
FINALIST - GRAvitate Hackathon and the Agile Methodology – Propelling Sanofi GRA Digital Transformation, including Mathieu Buonafine, Mickael Osseni, Michelle Halliez, Sima Desai, Elise Lefebvre, Sanofi GRA, France, USA and the Netherlands
FINALIST - Labelling Process and Documentation Redesign (LPDR), Merck Sharp & Dohme, Kenilworth, New Jersey, USA
FINALIST - Team DocXter, led by Hrishikesh Dhongade and Sujatha Muttavarapu, Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation, India and USA
WINNER - MedBoard, UK
FINALIST - Business Workflow Enablement for Labeling (BWEL), Merck & Co, Inc, USA (BWEL Leads: Anita Cunningham, Exec Director Global Labeling Regulatory Affairs, John Janick, Director Innovation & Information Management, Jamie Brubaker Hall, Director Labeling Operations Innovation & Information Management)
FINALIST - Joyce Tait, Co-Director, Innogen Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK
WINNER - Viagra Connect Team - Pfizer, UK
FINALIST - eIFU Service - Qarad, Belgium
FINALIST - Stuart McCully - Syneos Health, UK