Trevor Jones | TOPRA Awards Judge

Director - e-Therapeutics

Professor Jones is Chairman of the drug discovery company e-Therapeutics and OMIT Arix. He is a visiting professor at King’s College London and holds honorary degrees and Gold Medals from six universities.

From 1987–94, he was R&D director at The Wellcome Foundation, which included the development of AZT, Zovirax, Lamictal, Malarone and other medicines. Until 2015 he was a director of Allergan Inc (USA). He is a founder member of the Geneva-based, public-private partnership Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and member of the World Health Organisation's Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health (CIPIH). He was for 12 years a member of UK regulatory agency the Medicines Commission. For 10 years until September 2004 he was Director General of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) a member of Council of IFPMA and the Board of EFPIA.

In 2005 he was the winner of the SCRIP Lifetime Achievement award for his contribution to the pharmaceutical sciences and industry. He was honoured by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by the award of CBE in the 2003 New Year's Honours List. He was elected a Fellow of The Academy of Medical Sciences in 2016.

Judges | TOPRA Awards
Full list of the distinguished regulatory professionals judging this year's Awards for Regulatory Excellence.