Education Bursaries for individuals

Education BursariesWe are delighted to be able to offer Education Bursaries to regulatory affairs professionals based in low-to-middle income countries. Our aim is to make this opportunity available to as many  individuals who meet the criteria as possible. This bursary is available throughout the year, however we have limited spaces and so we recommend prompt applications.  

What is the TOPRA Education Bursary?

TOPRA is providing a bursary to support professionals in low-to-middle income countries, as defined by the World Bank, who are looking to develop their skills and expertise in regulatory affairs.

There are two types of bursary available to individuals, Pathfinder and Foundation (see below for more details), and they are available to enable attendance at TOPRA training courses..

As defined by the World Bank, below is the list of low-to-middle countries. Individuals from these countries can apply:

  Afghanistan Grenada Nigeria
  Albania Guatemala Niue
  Algeria Guinea Pakistan
  Angola Guinea-Bissau Palau
  Antigua and Barbuda Guyana Panama
  Argentina Haiti Papua New Guinea
  Armenia Honduras Paraguay
  Azerbaijan India Peru
  Bangladesh Indonesia Philippines
  Belarus Iran Rwanda
  Belize Iraq Saint Helena
  Benin Jamaica Samoa
  Bhutan Jordan São Tomé and Príncipe
  Bolivia Kazakhstan Senegal
  Bosnia and Herzegovina Kenya Serbia
  Botswana Kiribati Sierra Leone
  Brazil Democratic People's Republic of Korea Solomon Islands
  Burkina Faso Kosovo Somalia
  Burundi Kyrgyzstan South Africa
  Cabo Verde Lao People's Democratic Republic South Sudan
  Cambodia Lebanon Sri Lanka
  Cameroon Lesotho Saint Lucia
  Central African Republic Liberia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  Chad Libya Sudan
  China (People's Republic of) North Macedonia Suriname
  Colombia Madagascar Syrian Arab Republic
  Comoros Malawi Tajikistan
  Democratic Republic of Congo Malaysia Tanzania
  Congo Maldives Thailand
  Costa Rica Mali Timor-Leste
  Côte d'Ivoire Marshall Islands Togo
  Cuba Mauritania Tokelau
  Djibouti Mauritius Tonga
  Dominica Mexico Tunisia
  Dominican Republic Micronesia Turkey
  Ecuador Moldova Turkmenistan
  Egypt Mongolia Tuvalu
  El Salvador Montenegro Uganda
  Equatorial Guinea Montserrat Ukraine
  Eritrea Morocco Uzbekistan
  Eswatini Mozambique Vanuatu
  Ethiopia Myanmar Venezuela
  Fiji Namibia Vietnam
  Gabon Nauru Wallis and Futuna
  Gambia Nepal West Bank and Gaza Strip
  Georgia Nicaragua Yemen
  Ghana Niger Zambia

Pathfinder Bursary

The aim of this bursary is to support individuals who are either new to regulatory affairs or at the start of their career with the full cost of the course and up to £1,000 of travel and accommodation expenses where applicable (subject to TOPRA’s existing expense policy).

Recommended courses for applicants for this bursary include:

  • Essentials of European Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
  • Essentials of Medical Device Regulatory Affairs
  • Essentials of IVD Regulatory Affairs
  • Essentials of European Veterinary Regulatory Affairs

Foundation Bursary

The aim of this bursary is to support individuals who are developing their knowledge after at least six months of working in regulatory affairs with the full cost of the course and up to £1,500 of travel and accommodation expenses (subject to TOPRA’s existing expense policy).

Recommended courses for applicants for this bursary include:

  • Foundation – Spring or Autumn Introductory Course 
  • Medical Device Introductory course
  • European IVD Regulatory Affairs or Regulation of In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
 Individuals working in Veterinary Regulatory Affairs may apply to attend any relevant veterinary regulatory affairs training (excludes conferences)

How can I apply for the Bursary Fund?

Please write a supporting letter describing why you wish to apply, which course you wish to attend and how this will help you.

This letter needs to be sent in an email to for the attention of our Director of Professional Development, John O'Keeffe, at the earliest opportunity, along with the following detail and documents:

  • Copy of a valid passport
  • Proof of address – you must be currently living and working in a low to middle income country 
  • Supporting evidence that you are in employment in a regulatory affairs role

If you are unsure about the application process or the documents needed to support an application, please contact the Professional Development team at

Application considerations

Bursaries will only be given to individuals living and working in low to middle income countries. The fund is limited so we recommend ensuring you submit your application in good time, noting that you may only apply once in the same year.

Bursaries will not be awarded on a first-come-first-served basis, but instead consideration will be given to the following:

  • The need for the course, how the learning will be used and whether it will be used within six months of the course
  • The benefit the course and the learning will provide both to the company and to the individual
  • Additional consideration will be given to candidates from small or micro enterprises as they may not have other opportunities to access training

Please note that all successful applicants are required to allow their name and organisation to be published, and to support this we would be appreciate a photo and brief story to be provided after attendance. 

Timings and deadlines

You can apply for an Education Bursary at any time as there is no formal deadline for applications.  

We will notify all successful applicants as soon as reasonably possible and aim to provide sufficient notice to plan accordingly.