Regulatory Rapporteur September 2018
In This Issue FOCUS - Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Plus Professional development in regulatory affairs Paediatric studies: advancing child health? Please login to view member only articles. Non-members may download the public articles.
Regulatory Rapporteur September 2018MEMBERS
Using professional development to attract and retain talentMEMBERS
Why professional development is more important than ever in regulatory affairsMEMBERS
Deconstructing the revised EMA guideline on manufacture of the finished dosage fMEMBERS
Where does drug substance manufacture end and drug product manufacture begin?MEMBERS
FDA/EMA-triggered paediatric studies: Do they really advance child health?MEMBERS
Accelerated pathways: CMC considerationsMEMBERS
Editorial: The evolution of quality PUBLIC
The MHRA approach to data integrity PUBLIC