Thomas Kuhler, new TOPRA President

Posted on 10/05/2016

Thomas Kuhler is your President for 2016. In this short video filmed at the 2015 TOPRA Annual Symposium he talks about how TOPRA is changing, his priorities for the year of his presidency and the support he needs from TOPRA members. You can also read more detail in his message to members, printed below.

Message from Thomas Kuhler

It is with great honour that I assume the role of the President of TOPRA for 2016 and I’m thankful towards the membership for bestowing me with this responsibility. Little did I know when I graduated as a chemical engineer many years ago that I would venture into organic chemistry and then medicinal chemistry to eventually become involved in regulatory affairs. I have met many inspirational individuals during my professional life and I feel both humble and privileged to now be in a position to give back to the profession that has given so much to me.

As I’m sure you all know the environment in which TOPRA operates has, and is, constantly changing. Competition is increasing, training needs are changing, and the expectations from the membership and the profession are shifting.

I believe it is the Board’s challenge to understand these changes and devise a path forward leveraging opportunities but also mitigating threats. We need to put in place measures and actions that cater to the needs of our members in particular and our profession in general, and while doing so, honour the Vision of TOPRA:

Enabling and promoting excellence in the healthcare regulatory profession

The Board has embraced the opportunity to work towards keeping TOPRA current, relevant and committed to its members. Indeed, a workshop was held in August last year in which the Board analysed past achievements and success stories, and blended that with a look into the crystal ball - the future.

This resulted in four pillars which the Board thought would help TOPRA meet tomorrow’s challenges.


To speak for the profession as a whole promoting a true professional identity and to offer services that are in demand, with the ultimate goal to increase engagement and to provide value.

Digital excellence

To leverage available technologies allowing instant access, instant connection and instant response irrespective of time and geography.


To continue to build relationships with policy and decision makers in the pharma sector, but also to work together with sister organisations to better deliver enhanced services or improved opportunities for debate and influence.


To evaluate diligently business opportunities and pursue them with the right resources, generating a revenue stream that will sustain the business.

These four pillars will be the guiding posts of TOPRA and the Board as we move into 2016 and beyond.

In closing, TOPRA is a resource for you to stay tuned to what is happening in the regulatory space and provides you with a fantastic opportunity for continued professional development. TOPRA has a small office with very dedicated staff, but it is you – the members – that keep TOPRA relevant and current. Without you as volunteers TOPRA would not evolve – so get involved!

Thanks for reading.